Enrolling at Family Star Montessori
Interested in Enrolling in Family Star Montessori?
Family Star is proud to offer high-quality Montessori education and comprehensive services, regardless of economic background. Being a federally funded program, through Head Start, allows us to offer childcare that is subsidized or at no-cost to families. Family Star also offers school-based options to families who are able to pay full-tuition.
Choose from one of our centrally located schools or enroll in home-based programming.
To learn more about which option works best for your family, please check out the links below.
Application Process
If you know that Family Star Montessori is the right place for your family, please complete the enrollment application.
Once we have received your completed application and fee payment (if applicable), your family will be placed on our waitlist. One of our School or Home-Based Directors will reach out to you and determine placement and timing of administration based on availability.
The length of time a family spends on the waitlist varies widely. When an opening becomes available, you will be notified and provided iour School Director, who will provide information on the specific classroom and transition schedule.
School Tours
Are you interested in a school tour? Each site has their own schedule, so be sure to review which school you would like to see!
Schools tours are offered every Thursday from 9:00am-10:00am. If you would like to attend a tour, please reach out to the School Director, Jackie Claux.
School tours are offered on the first and 3rd Fridays of each month, the first in-person and the second virtually. Please contact Kate Bigelow to schedule your tour today!