Family Services
Rooted in the belief that caregivers are the first and best educators of their child, we provide services that support their natural knowledge and abilities. By placing the caregiver at the forefront, Family Star is preparing the child and family for the journey beyond their time with us. This includes providing resources, tools, and skills to feel confident in families ability as a caregiver. Family services staff build relationships to support family well-being, positive relationships between caregivers and their children, as well as promote ongoing learning for both caregivers and children.
Services include:
Prenatal services and consultation
Connection to community resources and referrals
Family goal setting
Family Engagement
Family engagement is an important part of our community. There are multiple opportunities for caregivers to participate in their child’s education journey.
Twice every year we have parent/teachers conferences at our centers. Additionally, each child’s lead teacher conducts two home-based conferences with the child’s parents each year to ensure that every student is best-equipped for success.
Family Star’s unique program promotes caregiver participation in the organization’s most important decisions by having a governing board that consists of caregivers of current or formerly enrolled children as well as community members. They participate in important decisions such as hiring, policies, procedures, federal funding decisions, and other major programmatic decisions. For more information about these governing bodies, please contact policycouncil@familystar.net
Family Star offers several opportunities, provided in different formats, for caregivers to gather information and enhance their learning. This can include topics such as Montessori pedagogy, health literacy, financial literacy, school readiness, transitions, lactation, infant sleep, conscious discipline, literacy, car seat safety, and caregiver social-emotional wellness.
If you would like more information about family services, please contact, Keri Morgan at kmorgan@familystar.net.